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Running Jobs on Swing


Presented below are fundamental commands essential for day-to-day use by most LCRC users on Swing. Comprehensive guides are available in other sections linked within our documentation.

Check your Current Allocation Balance(s):

sbank-list-allocations -p <project_name>

Check your Filesystem Quota(s):


Submit a Batch Job:

qsub -A <project> <your job script>

List All Jobs:


Delete a Job:

qdel <jobid>

Job Scheduling System

Swing's job scheduling system is characterized by:


Swing currently enforces the following limits on publicly available queues:

  • 4 Running Jobs per user.
  • 10 Queued Jobs per user.
  • 1 Days (24 Hours) Maximum Walltime.
  • 1 Hour Default Walltime if not specified.
  • 16 GPUs (2 full nodes) Max in use at one time.
  • gpu is the default partition.

Use the -q option with qsub to select a queue.

You will be allocated 1/8th of the node resources per GPU. Nodes allow for multiple jobs from multiple users up until the resources are fully consumed (8 jobs with 1 GPU each per node, 1 job with 8 GPU per node, and everything in between).

You MUST request at least 1 GPU to run a job. Additionally, you may only request the following number of GPUs per node:

  • 1 GPU
  • 2 GPUs
  • 4 GPUs
  • 8 GPUs
Partition Name Number of Nodes GPUs Per Node GPU Memory Per Node CPUs Per Node DDR4 Memory Per Node Local Scratch Disk Operating System
gpu 5 8x NVIDIA A100 40GB 320GB 2x AMD EPYC 7742 64-Core Processor (128 Total Cores) 1TB 14TB Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS
gpu-large 1 8x NVIDIA A100 80GB 640GB 2x AMD EPYC 7742 64-Core Processor (128 Total Cores) 2TB 28TB Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS

Job Submission Examples

Example qsub Job Submission Script

Here is an example PBS submission script called that requests a single GPU for the job.

#!/bin/bash -l
#PBS -N gpu-test
#PBS -A support
#PBS -l select=1:ngpus=1
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -l walltime=04:00:00

echo Working directory is $PBS_O_WORKDIR

module purge
module load nvhpc


exit 0

You can then submit the script with qsub

Example Interactive Job Submission

To run an interactive job in a computing environment using PBS, you can do the following:

qsub -I -l select=1:ngpus=1 -l walltime=01:00:00 -q gpu -A <project_name>

This command requests 1 node and 1 gpu for a period of 1 hour in the gpu queue. After waiting in the queue for a node to become available, a shell prompt on a compute node will appear. You may then start building applications and testing gpu affinity scripts on the compute node.