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Running Jobs on Bebop

NOTE: On July 1, 2024, Bebop was rebuilt from CentOS 7 to Rocky Linux 8 as CentOS has reached End of Life. This rebuild includes a full Operating System change, a new software tree and a transition from Slurm to PBS Professional as the system job scheduler. Please see our Bebop Rebuild FAQ for more details.


Presented below are fundamental commands essential for day-to-day use by most LCRC users on Bebop. Comprehensive guides are available in other sections linked within our documentation.

Check your Current Allocation Balance(s):

sbank-list-allocations -p <project_name>

Check your Filesystem Quota(s):


Submit a Batch Job:

qsub -A <project> <your job script>

List All Jobs:


Delete a Job:

qdel <jobid>

Job Scheduling System

Bebop's job scheduling system is characterized by:


Bebop currently enforces the following limits on publicly available queues:

  • 32 Running Jobs per user.
  • 100 Queued Jobs per user.
  • 3 Days (72 Hours) Maximum Walltime.
  • 1 Hour Default Walltime if not specified.
  • bdwall (Broadwell Compute Nodes) is the default queue.

Use the -q option with qsub to select a queue. The default queue is bdwall.

Bebop Queue Name Description Number of Nodes CPU Type Cores Per Node Memory Per Node Local Scratch Disk
bdwall All Broadwell Nodes 672 Intel Xeon E5-2695v4 36 128GB DDR4 15 GB or 4 TB

Special Request for Large Local Scratch Disk

The bdwall queue also has 64 nodes with a 4TB local scratch disk. You can request these directly by adding bigdata=true to your PBS select statement. For example:

#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=36:mpiprocs=36:bigdata=true

Job Submission Examples

Example qsub Job Submission

Example Interactive Job Submission