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Monthly Maintenance Day

LCRC has the second Monday of every month set aside for system maintenance (software upgrades, hardware replacements, etc.) on all LCRC resources. Maintenance generally begins at 8AM CST. During this time, the cluster will be unavailable for all users. All compute nodes will be set offline and the login nodes may or may not be accessible (but may be rebooted at any time).

We generally have the cluster available again by the end of the same day, however, depending on the scope of work to be done this could be longer.

The compute nodes will be reserved for maintenance a week in advance. If any jobs are submitted that are scheduled to end after the maintenance period has begun, they will not run. Leading up to maintenance, if you need to run a job, please make sure the end time will be before the start of the maintenance period.

We always send out a reminder email (usually the Wednesday before) of the maintenance start date and then another email immediately after the work is complete and the clusters are available again. These emails go to the LCRC Users email list. All LCRC users are subscribed to this list by default.